Saturday, December 27, 2008
tis the season...

Sunday, November 30, 2008
three in one...
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
how much hot water does it take to finish a book?

on the other hand, is there something a child might do that a parent couldn't forgive? and altho that seems like conditional love--is it possible to be so disgusted with your kids that your love is shadowed in that disgust? God, i hope not.

also i'm sitting at the library typing away--what a great job i have--thinking about doing a rating system... but i think not. i'm not really a reviewer, and i think that books strike people in different ways on different days. i would hate to dissuade a book from being read just because i didn't like it. i mean, really, that would wipe out most of the world's great fantasy and sci-fi novels. the last thing i want is a bunch of readers freaking out on me because i gave a bad rating for newest Mercedes Lackey book... which i wouldn't even read in the first place... all of this rambling over a moot point. so, no ratings.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
i hated that title...
okay, so i'm about half way thru Testimony, and i have to be honest... it's kind of making me feel creepy. Anita Shreve is weaving this story around these basketball players at a private school who are caught on tape with a fourteen year old girl.
two things are bugging me:
- shreve is bringing everyone involved in the situation into the story--including the boys' moms. i can't imagine how they feel knowing their sons are involved with this kind of a thing. as a mom of little boys, i will always see them as naked babies running around fresh out of the tub... the last thing i ever want to see is them on a sex tape. i don't even want to face that reality. i'll live in that delusional world that my grandbabies were immaculate conceptions, like i was.
- shreve is writing this from all points of view, and i'm not sure who is to blame. on the onset, you know the girl is no angel, and is said to have had "prior practice" by the show of skill on the tape. but as i get to know the boys and the girl, and their families; my judgement is becoming blurred. thus, making this another book, i can't put down!
so while dave is away, in wyoming this time, i spend my nights wrapped up with the electric blanket and my books--unfortunately, not my text books!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
holy cow...
so anyway, i was reading the other blog today, and i saw that the author of the book i was reading left me a comment!
how cool is that?
i just had to blow the whole 'books on the family blog' thing, and concentrate on yet another blog about books...blog. so here it is! and i'm adding this disclaimer: i'm a professional reader, not a professional book critic. i love talking about books, and sharing titles... feel free to share with me--just be nice.
let's talk about the fact that Cornelia Read, author of The Crazy School stopped by and thanked me for reading her book! read my bio, and you'll see i hardly have the time to read a novel in 3 days... but i couldn't stop myself on this book. not only did i love the mystery looming the in the background that BOOM came to the forefront unexpectedly; i loved the characters who reminded me of people i hung out with in high school! but i went to finish high school--contrary to the book--at a private school to away from my troubled friends. i thought we were all perfectly normal and just bored with arvada suburbia...

Madeline Dare has finally escaped rust-belt Syracuse, New York, for the lush Berkshire Mountains in Massachusetts. After her husband's job offer falls through, Maddie signs on as a teacher at the Santangelo Academy, a boarding school for disturbed teenagers. Behind the academy's ornate gates, she discovers a disturbing realm where students and teachers alike must submit to the founder's bizarre therapeutic regimen. From day one, Maddie feels uneasy about smooth-talking Dr. Santangelo but when she questions his methods, she's appalled to find that her fellow teachers would rather turn on each other than stand up for themselves, much less protect the students in their care. A chilling event confirms Maddie's worst suspicions, then hints at an even darker secret history, one that twines through the academy's very heart. Cut off from the outside world, Maddie must join forces with a small band of the school's most violently rebellious students — kids whose troubled grip on reality may well prove to be her only chance of salvation.
and library journal said: "Read's novel is fast-paced; once the action starts, don't even think about putting it down. The motives behind the murders are complex, and the ultimate heroes and bad guys are a total surprise. Strongly recommended."
give this book a shot-- you'll be sucked in!