Tuesday, January 13, 2009

just a thought...

"Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries."

not only am i a librarian, but i am a library user... i love libraries and what they have to offer. i can remember being at my library in Arvada, on snowy sunday afternoons doing homework--really i was there not out kissing boys like my parents {might have} thought. i can remember begging them to hire me--which they never did. i can remember the snarky librarians who never seemed to remove themselves from their chairs at the reference desk...

but more recently, i can't tell you the value of storytime for a poor, poor SaHM! forget about the importance of early literacy, blah, blah, blah... what about the time where someone else was entertaining my children... for free?! (that is when we weren't being kicked out of storytimes, thank you librarians of Stanley Lake)...

and altho the snarky librarians are retiring (i hope) bringing in a whole new crop of library and information specialists (thank you SJSU), libraries are becoming endangered. they are closing at alarming numbers--don't let this happen to yours!

please use your local library!


Curtis said...

Who's your little friend in the picture...

the hentzen house said...

my alter ego...